Our Mission Giving
GUMC Mission Giving through Mission Team
and United Women in Faith
As part of our Learning and Caring, the Church exists to help people to grow and learn as Christians, through mutual support and care. And as part of
our Service, the Church exists to be a good neighbor to people in
need and to challenge injustice.
Our mission giving through the Galena UMC Mission Team and the United Women in Faith includes the following:
Local Support
United Churches of Galena Food Pantry
Riverview Compassionate Care Center
The Workshop
The Workshop Community Meal Program
National Child Safety Council
Regional Support
Rosecrance Behavioral Health Services
Rockford Work Camp
Prisoner Release
Riverbend Food Depository
Chicago Facing Forward for Homelessness #50000007
Reconciling Ministries
UMCOR Relief for Hurricane Bahamas and Cyclone Idai
UMCOR Relief for 2019 California fires
International Support
UMCOR COVID-19 Relief Assistance #3022612
Heifer Project International
Missionary Support- Zimbabwe
Australian Fires in 2019
United Methodist Volunteers in Mission
Mujila Falls Agriculture Research in Zambia